Saturday, February 06, 2010

Can a Gorgeous Smile, Curvatious Body and Empty Head be Harmful to Our Country? In Her Own Words, "You Betcha!"

Former Governor of Alaska and Would-You-Believe, Vice Presidential Candidate, Sarah (Aw shucks!) Palin at the "Tea Party"

Sarah Palin delivered the keynote speech at the first--and hopefully, the last--National Tea Party Convention.

Listening to her speech (Golly gee and Tennessee!) at about midnight last evening after I returned from a shopping jaunt to Olympia, I was awed by both her good looks (sorry, but I’m human and 75 years old) and the seamlessness of all that I heard during CNN’s interviews with attendees last evening (Friday night here in Seattle) and her stunning (it really was!) ability to pop out red-meat (new buzzword) talking points for nearly every racist teabagger in the crowd earlier this evening.

Democrats and Liberals be hanged (well, she would say “hung,” of course!) and may the Republican Party plow ahead with her memorable words, “How's that hopey changey thing workin' out for ya?”

“The government that governs less, governs best!” she said at one point and my mind immediately raced back to the imagery of George Bush praising his man on-the-spot, Brownie after New Orleans had sunk under water—or the TV scenes of George Bush reading to children for an additional 15 minutes after he heard that terrorists were attacking New York City—and later, the Pentagon—on 9-11-2001. And even after that, where was our leader as he was racing about in the air for much of that same afternoon? How about ZERO GOVERNMENT, Sarah?

Yeh right, Sarah … you might have done well not to have ranted about terrorism for the larger part of your talk—only managing to stuff even more foolish gibberish, hate and anxiety in the hearts of the less educated folksy-wolksies who listened to your speech while goggling at your (admittedly nice) crossed legs.

After it was over (whew!), Bob Shrum perhaps summed it up best: "More masterful exercise - masterful, in paranoid politics. She came across to me as a merchant of hate with an ‘oh gosh’ smile."

I also happened to notice the racial mix of the attendees. Isn't there a single African American in Memphis?

When answering the question "how do you see the future of the Tea Party movement?" Palin responded "this is the future of the country."

As my brother, Richard said when he first looked into my shabby house seventeen months ago, I can only think those same words:


In Answer to Serenissima's Comment!


At 8:29 AM, Blogger Jeanne Ryan (Serenissima) said...

Thanks for "taking one for the team" and listening to her whole speech so you could summarize it. I got through about five minutes before I turned it off.

Did she really say "hopey changey" thing? Haha. I can totally picture it.

At 2:54 PM, Blogger mediawingnuts said...

Yes, she did! And worse!!! It will be replayed again tonight at 7:00 PST. It was terrible and yes, she flaunted her shape and good looks while waiting to take the podium. That part was acceptable.


At 12:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A good smile and a good body, does not make it in this world at all, if you don't have what it takes upstairs. Because you don,t have to have beauty to be smart, so it can be very harmful, because the world looks at the outside more than the inside and that is where we get in trouble. From LMD of Ocean Shores

At 8:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really hope that Sarah gets the republican nomination (or better yet tea party nomination). This would be a gift to the democrats. I don't know if two hands are enough for her to write her "cheat sheets" for any debates.

Go, Sarah, go !

At 4:35 PM, Blogger Dr. Joe said...

Probably not ... but lifting her legs to read the bottoms of her feet would win her any debate anytime anywhere!



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