Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Well, Ron Paul hasn't won the Republican nomination (yet again), but ...

...like Ron Paul, Hillary isn't totally out of it either!

Super Tuesday came and went with the promise from CNN that Super Tuesday IV on April 22, 2008 will be the biggest "Super Tuesday" yet.

Yeh sure ...

If I am to believe the numbers at the bottom of the screen on CNN Cable TV, Hillary is still more than 100 delegates (total, including so-called "superdelegates") behind and Obama is picking up the majority of Texas's' delegates, although Hillary won the popular vote there.

Everyone (media!!!) refers to the Clinton campaign as the "Clinton machine," and that title is beginning to grate on me. If anything is a "machine," it's the media machine that insists on pushing Barack Obama to heights beyond which his capabilities are designed to fly.

Simply put, he doesn't think quickly, look smug pleasingly nor act particularly "Presidential" ... he simply yells well and has the "yes, we can!" chant down to an art form. If he can't even write (or have his speech writers write) original lines for himself [sic], one has to ask, "What can he do for himself?"

He outspent Hillary two-to-one (or so I am told by CNN), yet manages to lose large states like California, New York, Ohio and Texas to her. He continues to gather endorsements from just about every entertainment star and Washington insider by the bushel load while steering clear of the specifics of nearly every issue.

One has to ask "Why?"

The answer, of course, is that it is the electronic media and the accompanying hype that propels him--and millions of Americans who want "change" to continue to plow forward on his behalf. They portray Hillary as yesterday's White House (in itself not true) and focus, to the extent possible, on Bill Clinton's foibles and anywhere else away from Barack Obama the candidate and his specific [sic] promises to the American people.

Meanwhile, those of us who are rallying around Huckabee (who dat?) and Hillary will just have to wait for Barack's steam to run out and for the American people to catch on.

Maybe in Pennsylvania, I guess ... as Obama's delegate count inches towards 2024.


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