How can the meltdown in Iraq be melting down?

I note that there are scant headlines in the newspapers and little mention on Fox Cable News about what might best be described by this old curmudgeon as "a meltdown of that which has long ago melted down"! Some say that the fiery Muslim priest, Muqtada al-Sadr (who went along with a six-month "truce" last week), might be about finished and that the US Forces in Basra may well be leaning on the Al-Qaeda Sunnis there--along with the Iraqi Government forces [sic] to fight off the Shiite militias so as to return order to what was without order to start with.
Yes, that's right! We've changed side once again in the Iraqi Civil War inasmuch as "our" precious oil interests appear to be (once again) threatened.
Take yesterday, today and tomorrow as a snapshot of what's ahead as we ... draw down? Surge yet again? Stay the course? Take your pick!
I'm thinking of writing another chapter in Neo-conservatism for Dummies 101 Made Simple.
The CNN Reporter on the scene captured it perfectly:
"What many people suggest is that we're looking at a situation that will be akin to Lebanon in the 1980s, with vicious, well-armed militia proxy wars where all the factions are supported by one foreign sponsor or another.
But this will be Lebanon on steroids."
In other words, as our teachers used to say back in my youth, "Duck and cover!"
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