A warm and heartfelt "Eid Mubarak" to you all!

Yes, we are all wishing one another "Happy New Year" about now (exactly now for those of you on the East Coast). But Saddam's execution and debates about its timing that are ongoing throughout the Islamic world reminded me of another celebration that Muslims commemorate at this time (at least this year since it moves back about eleven days each year) that was quite meaningful to me while I was living in Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates for the decade of the 90's.
The "Eid-al-Adha" is the second most important of the "Eids" celebrated by Muslims and commemorates the almost-sacrifice of Isaac by Abraham (before he was stopped by an angel of the Lord) that truly commemorates the deep, wondrous love of Abraham for God in being willing to spare even his own son to give a full, effectual proof of that love.
Every day of the year, however, the Christian world remembers the deep, wondrous love of God for men in being willing also to spare his only begotten Son to prove once for all his eternal love for us and his desire that we should not perish but, through faith in Jesus his Son, obtain eternal life. (John 3:16)
With deep compassion we should at least view the Islamic Eid-al-Adha as a reminder of the revelation God gave Abraham of his salvation to come through his Son Jesus Christ ... which was foreshadowed in the willingness of Abraham to sacrifice Isaac.
After all ... "If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise." (Galatians 3:29 NIV).
Eid Mubarak to you all ... Christians, Jews, Muslims and all others!
"The Sacrifice of Isaac" by Cigoli in 1607
Cigoli's painting shown at the top of this posting depicts one of the most dramatic moments in the Old Testament (Genesis 22: 1-14), where the Lord tests Abraham's faith by asking him to sacrifice his only son Isaac. The painting shown above, "The Sacrifice of Isaac" by Cigoli, was painted in Rome.
Thank you for your Eid greetings, in my comments and in your blog, and I must say that I admire how connected you are with politics and culture, and that I've always been mystifyed by that particular paiting. It reminds me of Rafael's Sistine Chapel, which I hope I can see someday, maybe as a pause in Italy on my way to teach English in France. Rafael was brilliant, despite his moodiness. But I suppose all great artists were a bit moody... =)
Not all, but sufficiently many for me to have hoped that none of my children would marry an "artist."
None did.
Maybe my moodiness or others' moodiness in their lives was sufficient for a lifetime. :)
Bonne année 2007
Happy new year 2007
May this year be gentle with you and offer you all what you need in hapiness, love and humanism.
take care
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